Working Papers
- Bardóczy, B., and M. Velásquez-Giraldo. (2024): “HANK Comes of Age,” Finance and Economics Discussion Series, Federal Reserve Board. Under Revision for JPE Macro.
- Bardóczy, B., J. Sim, and A. Tischbirek. (2024): “The Macroeconomic Effects of Excess Savings,” Finance and Economics Discussion Series, Federal Reserve Board. Under Revision for JME.
Works in Progress
- Bardóczy, B., G. Bornstein, and S. Salgado. (2024): “Monopsony Power and the Transmission of Monetary Policy,”
- Bardóczy, B., and J. Guerreiro. (2023): “Unemployment Insurance in Macroeconomic Stabilization with Imperfect Expectations,”
- Bardóczy, B. (2022): “Spousal Insurance and the Amplification of Business Cycles,”
- Auclert, A., B. Bardóczy, and M. Rognlie. (2023): “MPCs, MPEs, and Multipliers: A Trilemma for New Keynesian Models,” The Review of Economics and Statistics, 105, 700–712.
- Auclert, A., B. Bardóczy, M. Rognlie, and L. Straub. (2021): “Using the Sequence-Space Jacobian to Solve and Estimate Heterogeneous-Agent Models,” Econometrica, 89, 2375–2408.